b'DUBBO, NSW 2830(32 1434.62S, 148 3617.42E)WHY IS PROVENANCEIMPORTANT?Well, thats really up to you to decide!At Ben Furney Flour Mills, provenance isimportant because it means total transparency between ourselves and the customer.You can ask us, and we will be able to tell you straight away which local farmers within a 200km radius in the Macquarie Valley have provided our grains.The process to create our range of flours isintricate and detailed. We know thatthe local support from the farms around us with their good stewardship supports the land andenvironment. This is something thatcontributes to our consistent quality and your great tasting product. P: 1800 684 343 E: sales@benfurney.com www.benfurney.comBEN FURNEY FLOUR MILLS - PRODUCT GUIDE15'